A passenger boarded a taxi to work. He took the front seat
and placed his hand somewhere close to the driver’s seat, making the driver
very uncomfortable to drive. This is a conversation that ensued between them.
Passenger (P):
Ohh!! (removing his hand) I'm sorry. This
is making you uncomfortable…
Driver (D): Ohh don’t
remove your hand…you are the customer and are supposed to be comfortable over me…
P: No. You are
the driver and need all the comfort and room to drive safely…
D: Not at all. Would
I drive an empty car? You are most paramount to this car and your comfort to
the end of the journey is my concern as well…
P: Your customer
service gestures are most admirable. However, if it means putting your own life
and other lives in danger, it is no customer service at all..
What is your take on
this conversation? Who is really right?